Friday, June 3, 2011

Pictures Around Home

We are still making our plan for the total house restoration, so we've been doing some exploration of the area and doing some outside chores.

We hung the flag:

Kevin put up a new mailbox that Bonnie decorated:

We had a farmer/neighbor plow our garden plot -- (Ann's dream come true!):
It went from this:

to this!

Had a local beekeeper come get the huge colony out of the summer kitchen:

Honey! Doesn't get any closer to the source than this! Delicious, raw honey!

The beekeeper had to leave a box with the queen in it so that the rest of the colony would leave the summer kitchen and will pick it up today or tomorrow.

We also explored a fork of the Blue River. The kids absolutely loved throwing rocks in the river and getting their feet wet:

and ate at a delicious BBQ joint with the best name:

You can be sure if you come visit, we will treat you to a delicious BBQ meal!

1 comment:

  1. Sam loved the pictures of Nick & Bonnie in the river. I believe his words were "luckyyyyy" :)
